Detailed content
- Located in the administrative boundary of Dong
Son District and Trieu Son District.
- 17 km from Thanh Hoa city, 68 km from Nghi Son deep-water seaport, 1 km from North-South Expressway, about 32 km from Tho Xuan airport, and 152 km from Hanoi capital. |
645.2 ha, in which industrial land is 447.94 ha
The occupancy rate
Properties, functions
A multi-sector industrial park, applying high-tech towards industry 4.0, prioritizing electronics, telecommunications,
mechanical manufacturing, precision mechanics, automobile industry, construction equipment, medical equipment, producing consumer goods, and auxiliary industry.
Technical infrastructure
- Power source: The power source for the project is taken from 220kV Thanh Hoa and 220kV Nong Cong to connect electricity for the industrial park.
- Water source: New water supply stations and 02 reservoirs in industrial parks with a total capacity of 30,000 m3/day and night will be planted to construct. - Raw water: Raw water is taken from the clean water supply system and raw water chain along Highway 47 of Thanh Hoa and surrounding areas. - Wastewater treatment: 2 separate wastewater treatment stations and sewage drainage systems will be constructed to collect all wastewater flow in industrial parks. Station No. 1 has a capacity of 17,000 m3/day night; Station No. 2 has a capacity of 10,000 m3/day night. - Solid waste treatment: Solid waste from industrial parks is collected and transported to solid waste treatment areas. - Telecommunications services: Telecommunications services are advanced, broadband with high speed, capable of meeting high-quality telecommunications needs. |
Implementation unit: