GIANG QUANG THINH INDUSTRIAL PARKLocation: - Located in the administrative boundary of Thieu Giang commune, Thieu Quang commune, Thieu Thinh commune, and Thieu Hop commune, Thieu Hoa district, Thanh Hoa province.
- Located in the administrative boundary of Thieu Giang commune, Thieu Quang commune, Thieu Thinh commune, and Thieu Hop commune, Thieu Hoa district, Thanh Hoa province.
- 24 km from the center of Thanh Hoa city, 84 km from Nghi Son deep-water seaport, adjacent to North-South Expressway interchange; about 38 km from Tho Xuan airport; 170 km from Hanoi capital.
Area: 298.56 ha.Properties, functions: A multi-sector industrial park, which prioritizes high-tech industry, processing industry, mechanical and automobile, pharmaceutical industry, and food industry.