Industrial Zone Information

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- Located in Nghi Son Economic Zone.- Located on National Highway 1A, 1 km from the North-South Expressway interchange, 12 km from Nghi Son deep-water seaport, 0.5 km from Khoa Truong railway station, 72 km from Tho Xuan airport, 12 km from Nghi Son downtown, 50km from Thanh Hoa city, 190km from Hanoi capital.
247.12 ha, in which industrial land is 144.65 ha
The occupancy rate
Properties, functions
Fields calling for investment: - Construction machineries- Metal casting and products from precast metal.- Producing and assembling electrical equipment, computer electronics- Producing optical products.- Producing and manufacturing machinery for in dustrial and agricultural equipment and specialized equipment for craft villages.- Exact mechanics- Producing spare parts and components and assem bling cars, motorbikes, and other vehicles.
Technical infrastructure
- Cấp điện: Hệ thống cung cấp điện từ đường cấp điện 22Kv - Khu kinh tế Nghi Sơn;
- Cấp nước sạch: Từ nhà máy cấp nước sạch của KKT Nghi Sơn với công suất 60.000 m3 /ngày-đêm.
- Thoát nước: Hệ thống thoát nước mưa và nước thải được xây dựng riêng biệt.
- Xử lý nước thải: Nhà máy xử lý nước thải đã được xây dựng với công suất xử lý đạt: 3.800m3 /ngày-đêm.
- Chất thải rắn từ các Nhà máy trong KCN sẽ được phân loại, thu gom vận chuyển về bãi tập kết của KCN để xử lý.
- Viễn thông – internet: đáp ứng nhu cầu cung cấp dịch vụ và quốc tế, được đấu nối trực tiếp đến hàng rào các doanh nghiệp.
- Phòng cháy chữa cháy: Hệ thống cấp nước và các họng cứu hoả được bố trí dọc theo các tuyến đường trục chính trong KCN.
Total investment capital
Investment attraction situation
Đã hoàn thành GPMB 115,3 ha, đang triển khai xây dựng hoàn thiện hạ tầng, thu hút đầu tư



Other industrial parks in Nghi Son EZ

Location: - Located in Nghi Son Economic Zone- 6 km from the North-South Expressway inter change, 2.5 km from National Highway 1 A, 5 km from Khoa Truong station, 9 km from Nghi Son deep-water seaport, 80 km from Tho Xuan airport, 14 km from Nghi Son downtown, 60 km from Thanh Hoa city, 65 km from Vinh city and 190 km from Hanoi capital.Area: 67 ha, in which industrial land is 46.59 haProperties, functions: A multi-sector industrial park in Nghi Son EZ, mainly serving post-petrochemical refinery
Location: - Located in Nghi Son Economic Zone.- Located on National Highway 1A, 1 km from the North-South Expressway interchange, 12 km from Nghi Son deep-water seaport, 0.5 km from Khoa Truong railway station, 72 km from Tho Xuan airport, 12 km from Nghi Son downtown, 50km from Thanh Hoa city, 190km from Hanoi capital.Area: 247.12 ha, in which industrial land is 144.65 haProperties, functions: Fields calling for investment: - Construction machineries- Metal casting and products from precast metal.- Producing and assembling electrical equipment, computer electronics- Producing optical products.- Producing and manufacturing machinery for in dustrial and agricultural equipment and specialized equipment for craft villages.- Exact mechanics- Producing spare parts and components and assem bling cars, motorbikes, and other vehicles.
Location: - Located in Nghi Son Economic Zone- Adjacent to National Highway 1A, 7 km from North South Expressway interchange, 17km from Nghi Son deep-water seaport, 85 km from Tho Xuan airport, 15km from Nghi Son downtown, 70 km from Thanh Hoa city, 215 km from Hanoi capital.Area: 361.15ha, in which industrial land is 261.62haProperties, functions: A multi-sector industrial park in Nghi Son EZ, mainly serv ing mechanical and building materials,...- Focal point for cargo transportation via containers by seaport, road, and railway.

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