Detailed content
- Located in Nghi Son Economic Zone.
- Located on National Highway 1A, 1 km from the North-South Expressway interchange, 12 km from Nghi Son deep-water seaport, 0.5 km from Khoa Truong railway station, 72 km from Tho Xuan airport, 12 km from Nghi Son downtown, 50km from Thanh Hoa city, 190km from Hanoi capital. |
247.12 ha, in which industrial land is 144.65 ha
The occupancy rate
Properties, functions
Fields calling for investment:
- Construction machineries - Metal casting and products from precast metal. - Producing and assembling electrical equipment, computer electronics - Producing optical products. - Producing and manufacturing machinery for in dustrial and agricultural equipment and specialized equipment for craft villages. - Exact mechanics - Producing spare parts and components and assem bling cars, motorbikes, and other vehicles. |
Technical infrastructure
- Power source: The power source for the project is taken from the 22kV power grid in the Nghi Son Economic Zone.
- Clean water: Clean water is taken from the water plant of the Nghi Son economic zone with a capacity of 60,000 m3/day night. - Drainage: Rainwater and wastewater drainage systems are built separately. - Wastewater treatment: A wastewater treatment plant is built with a treatment capacity of 3,800m3 /day night. - Solid waste from factories in the industrial zone will be classified, collected, and transported to landfill for handling. - Telecommunications services: Telecommunications services are advanced, broadband with high speed, capable of meeting high-quality telecommunications needs. - Fire prevention and fighting: A water supply system and fire hydrant are installed along the central axis routes in the industrial park. |
Total investment capital
Investment attraction situation
115.3 ha has been cleared, wastewater treatment plant No. 1 completed construction with a capacity of 1,900m3/day night, and infrastructure is under construction to attract a second investment.
Implementation unit: